Is Shepherd down?
No, we are not detecting any problems with Shepherd right now.
What problem are you having with Shepherd?
Live Shepherd Problems
The graph below shows outage reports from other Shepherd users over the past 24 hours. We determine if Shepherd is down or having problems if the current number of user reports exceeds the normal amount of reports we usually receive for Shepherd during that time.
Recent User Reports for Shepherd
View the most recent user reports about Shepherd, including the type of problem they reported and their location for you to see if other users in your area are having similar problems.
- 🇨🇳
A user from China reported a problem with Shepherd: Login
- 🇻🇳
A user from Viet Nam reported a problem with Shepherd: Inaccessible
- 🇵🇭
A user from Philippines reported a problem with Shepherd: Login
- 🇳🇬
A user from Nigeria reported a problem with Shepherd: Login
- 🇧🇷
A user from Brazil reported a problem with Shepherd: Error Received
- 🇦🇹
A user from Austria reported a problem with Shepherd: Slow
- 🇷🇺
A user from Russian Federation reported a problem with Shepherd: Slow
About Shepherd
The website for Shepherd is located at and their official Twitter account is @shepherd_books.
Common Problems at Shepherd
The most common problem reported about Shepherd, with 100% of all reports, was: login.
User Comments on Shepherd Outages
Is Shepherd not loading or down for you? Let other Shepherd users know what problem you are having with the service, app, or website.
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